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The Extraordinary eBook Reader for Book Lovers

Turn your eBook Reader into a mind reader

How do you like your text? Big? Small? Triple-spaced? Single? Perhaps you'd like to paint your library purple—which you can do when you choose from 1,000s of colors to make your library uniquely yours.

Millions of Free Books at Your Fingertips

Tap into a massive collection of wisdom on demand. To the outside world, you’ll look like you’re just liking photos of your friends’ babies, but only you will know what you’re really up to. (Hint: Being a super duper awesome intellectual.)

More book for your buck
$1.99 to be exact

Did we mention that you can access all of our titles for FREE? Buy the app, download and read any book from our top-notch collection.

Download books straight to your device

No more buying books online and then having to send them into your e-reader. With MegaReader, you can download books on the spot. The hot spot, that is.


It’s Kindle on crack (minus the scandal). If you love books, words, & beautiful new ways of reading, this app was made for YOU.

what they say

Not only does MegaReader bring you the biggest free library to your device, it also does a fantastic job of looking pretty while you read. The layout is simple but well put together, and I love all the options for customization.

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